Race Instruction
Paupack Sailing Club Race Instructions
The course is usually one of pre-described courses available from the club website or provided in laminated packets. The mark roundings are exactly as outlined in the course maps, including passing back through the start/finish line on multiple lap courses. The Committee Boat will display the course number selected at least 15 minutes before the start sequence. The Race Committee is tasked with setting the course as to wind conditions to allow all boats in the fleet to finish in the time allotted if sailed in a seamanlike manner. The Race Committee may set a course that is not one of the pre-described courses for special events or venues.
Weather Limitations
There must be 5 knots of wind consistently over the course as measured at the Committee boat prior to starting the countdown sequence, during the countdown sequence to the start of the race and after the race has started. If the minimum wind is less than 5 knots after the start of one or both fleets the race will be cancelled. The Race Committee may decide to see if the race can restart i.e. delay the race starts versus completely abandon the race if the minimum wind rule is met and all the boats are able to restart and the restart is before 1:30 pm. If the Race Committee does not restart the race, then the race shall be considered abandoned.
Race postponement or abandonment
The signal for postponement of a race is two horn blasts followed by a radio transmission to the fleet on Channel 68. The signal for abandonment either before or during a race is three horn blasts followed by a radio transmission to the fleet on Channel 68.
The finish line will be between the Race Committee Boat and the pin/mark. The finish line will be as square as possible to the last mark of the course. Boat numbers or sail number if a boat number is not displayed will be called out, as feasible, when a boat crosses the finish line. A horn is sounded signaling a boat’s finish.
Time limit – Flexible Lap Rule
The Race Committee shall abandon a race if the lead boat in the race has not reached the first mark within 60 minutes of the start signal or the Race Committee shall abandon a race if the lead boat has not finished the race within 2.5 hours of the start. If there are adverse weather conditions such as lightning, storms or wind conditions that are light and variable a short course will be set. The Race Committee will decide if 1, 2, or 3 laps will be made. This decision will take place as the race progresses and will be communicated by radio. Boats will be marked for elapsed time as they pass the start finish line on each lap. The Race Committee may curtail the race if it appears boats will not finish within 4 hours. If a race is curtailed, the last full lap elapsed time scores will be used for scoring finishes. A full lap is one in which approximately 2/3 or more of the fleet completes the lap. This is up to the discretion of the Race Committee. The Race Committee will abandon its position at 4:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Boats not finished by 4:00 p.m. will be recorded as DNF (did not finish).
The race will be scored using the low point scoring system as described in US Sailing Appendix A2. First place shall be scored .75, second place scored 2.0, third 3.0 and so on. "DNF" (did not finish) shall receive points equal to the number of entrants registered for that race. “DNS” (did not start) shall receive points equal to the number of entrants registered for the race series. “DSQ” (disqualified) shall receive points equal to the number of entrants registered for the race plus two. Points earned from each race regardless if cancelled just before the start or after the start will apply to the overall skipper and crew Award Series. Points are derived from the number of boats that raced at some point in the season. Race results shall be recorded by the Race Committee on a designated form, calculated, posted on the club web site and sent by email within the following week. Penalties & Protests
A boat hitting a mark shall be disqualified unless she exonerates herself in accordance to the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) Racing Rules by completing a turn (One turn) after getting clear and prior to the next mark. A boat fouling another boat (PART 2) must carry out a penalty of two turns (Two turns Penalty) in accordance to the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) Racing Rules to exonerate herself prior to rounding the next mark. A turn is defined as a tack and a gybe. Fouls (Protests) are “on the water” decisions between the boats directly involved in the incident. There are no protests taken off the water to be resolved by committee. Members are expected to acknowledge uncontested fouls and do their turns accordingly. Fouling includes any breach of the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) Racing Rules Parts 1-4. Contested fouls may be brought to the race review session for discussion and general education about the rule involved; however, no penal action will be taken by those not involved in the protest. However, repeated contests with the same participant may be referred to the race committee for resolution.
The Race Committee will monitor Channel 68 and maintain contact with the USCG Auxiliary Safety Boat if available. Each skipper is encouraged to monitor Channel 68, relay instructions from the Race Committee, and otherwise assist fellow club members.
When feasible, retiring boats should notify the Race Committee prior to leaving the course. If a retiring boat cannot notify the Race Committee, she should attempt to contact another boat in the race to relay her retiring. The Race Committee shall postpone or cancel a race at anytime if they judge that the safety of the crews are in jeopardy. Each skipper is ultimately responsible for the safety of their crew and themselves and shall exercise sound judgment while on the race course. If a boat is need of emergency aid it is the obligation of the nearest boat(s) to render assistance. The compensation for rendering aid is a score that is either the average of all races sailed or the finish position of that race. The skipper has the choice.
Trophies and Participation awards will be awarded at the end of the season. Up to two throw-outs are allowed. Ties shall be broken by the following order: Who beat whom the most times; who finished best in the last race in which both competed
The Paupack Sailing Club conducts sailboat races as a way of improving the sailing acumen and skill of its members. Camaraderie and good sportsmanship among all competitors are valued assets in the pursuit of this goal. Please read and understand the Race Instructions as they will be the interpretation for resolving any questions. All races will be conducted in accordance with the right of way rules of the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) Racing Rules and any addenda (US Sailing, 2013 – 2016 – Basic Principle and Parts 1-4 inclusive), except as modified by these Racing Instructions. You are expected to have enough knowledge of the rules so you understand the basic right of way rules. Hailing another skipper is encouraged at all times. Portsmouth Handicap Rules for open fleet racing regarding sails, equipment, modifications will apply. Boats are rated as if they have a racing complement of sails or as available from the original manufacturer. The HC wind rate tables are used. The Competition Committee has declared the following handicap adjustments: HC 0-1 2-3 4 5-9 Fixed blade propeller 1.024 1.020 1.014 1.000 For a furling headsail ADD 1.000 ADD 1.000 ADD 1.000 ADD 1.000 Spinnaker Credit - One Design Fleet 1.008 1.010 1.000 1.000 Racing boats encountering non-racing craft shall conform to the rules of the road and respect others’ rights to use the lake.
Pre-Race Meeting and Check in
There will be no pre-race meeting. Questions may be asked of the Committee Boat up to 20 minutes prior to race start. Please do not contact the Race Committee within 20 minutes of the race start. Ask another boat for assistance. Each boat is asked to check in with the Race Committee at least 20 minutes prior to the start of the race. Radio Channel 68 is the primary means of communication before and during races.
Starting times, procedures and signal
Starting time for the first fleet will be 12:00 noon or as modified by the Race Committee due to weather conditions. Note the race start sequence starts at 11:49, 11 minutes before the start. The starting line will be between the Race Committee Boat and a starting pin or mark per racecourse for the day. A staggered start will be employed. There are 2 starts: first is Race Fleet and second is One Design. Fleets will start 10 minutes apart.
Keeping clear
No boat is to be within 300 feet of a boat within the 5 minute starting sequence unless it is part of that starting sequence. If there are still boats clearing the start line they should be given way and not interfered with. After a boat is finished racing, she shall continue to sail out of the finish area taking care not to block the line of sight of the finish line for the race committee or to interfere with boats yet to finish.
Team race
Certain races may be designated as a Team Race. Teams are identified in advance of the race. Scoring will be as if there was an additional fleet. Same sailing rules still apply.
Timing of starts:
Race Fleet Start Sequence
11:49 11 minutes 1 Long Blast
11:50 10 minutes White Flag Up - 1 Short Blast
11:54 6 minutes White Flag Down
11:55 5 minutes Blue Flag Up - 1 Short Blast
11:59 1 minute Blue Flag Down
12:00 0 minute Red Flag Up - Sound Horn – Cruising Fleet Start
One Design Fleet Race Start Sequence
12:00 10 minutes Red Flag Up – Sound Horn Racing Fleet enters the start area
12:04 6 minutes 1 Long Blast- Red Flag Down
12:05 5 minutes Blue Flag Up - 1 Short Blast
12:09 1 minute Blue Flag Down
12:10 0 minute Red Flag Up - Sound Horn -Start of Race Fleet
Boats over the starting line early will be signaled by one blast of a horn and required to restart after rounding the starting buoy or the Committee Boat. The Race Committee will call out (by radio, bullhorn or voice) Sail numbers, if available. If too many boats (more than 5) have crossed the start line early, the Race Committee shall signal for a general recall and restart the race 10 minutes later. Several horn blasts will signal a general recall. Failure of a boat to hear her recall notification shall not relieve her of her obligations to start correctly and will be cause for disqualification.